Grape mirabelle flavour | Jana | Natural mineral water


Jana grape - mirabelle

Jana fruit flavoured water grape-mirabelle 1,5 l PET

Deliciously flavored water characterized by a refreshing grape taste that is ideally suited with a light taste of Mirabelle plum.

Based on natural spring mineral water and carefully selected natural aromas, Jana provides an interesting low-calorie refreshment and a source of hydration.

*This product is available only in certain countries

  • 1.5 l
Average nutritional value (100g/ml)
  • Energy (kj/kcal)

    53 kJ/ 12 kcal
  • Fat (g)

    o g
  • of which saturates

    0 g
  • Carbohydrates (g)

    3 g
  • Sugar (g)

    3 g
  • Protein (g)

    0 g
  • Salt (g)

    0,03 g

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